Currently I am working on a tool creating cable labels according to some specification. In this tool I need to perform a complex concatenation of values from about 10 columns depending on the fill status of these rows and update the label column with the concatenated value in SQL Server 2012. The concatenation should be performed in case of a single row update and of a multi-row update via UPDATE <table> SET col1=value1, ..., colN=valueNThe weapon of choice was a DML database trigger AFTER UPDATE. As I hard some hard time to achieve my goal I want to share the code with the community, maybe you can get something out of it for your own project.
Table Structure
The cable label consists mainly of location information of the start and end points of a cable (components/devices connected by the cable and the room where the device can be found). My table has a structure like this, with fields not required for the trigger operation omitted:
- KeyField int, primary key
- CONCAT_VALUE varchar(1000)
- [...]
- NUMBER int
- START_COMP_ID varchar(100)
- START_AREA_ID varchar(50)
- START_ROOM_NO varchar(200)
- START_LEVEL_ID varchar(10)
- START_BLD_ID varchar(50)
- END_COMP_ID varchar(100)
- END_AREA_ID varchar(50)
- END_ROOM_NO varchar(200)
- END_LEVEL_ID varchar(10)
- END_BLD_ID varchar(50)
- FUNCTION_ID varchar(10)
- [...]
Database Trigger
The database trigger consists of two main parts: one executed if a single line has been changed (@@ROWCOUNT = 1, mostly for manual input in the DB editor) and one for multi-row update (@@ROWCOUNT > 1, e.g. in the case of UPDATE table SET <some column> = <new value>).
In the first case one can use IF statements checking if some column is NULL directly via selection by the primary key column. An example:
DECLARE @Buffer varchar(255)
@Buffer = <concatenation>
UPDATE table SET CONCAT_VALUE = @Buffer WHERE KeyField =(SELECT KeyField FROM inserted);In case of multi-row updates I used an approach with DB cursor which loops over the INSERTED table. The IF statement has then to be based on the value coming from the cursor:
DELCARE @KeyField int
OPEN tableCursor
FETCH NEXT FROM tableCursor INTO @KeyField
KeyField = @KeyField) IS NULL
UPDATE table SET CONCAT_VALUE = @Buffer WHERE KeyField = @KeyField;
Complete Code of Trigger
Here is the complete code of the trigger if you want to study it in detail:
USE [myDB]GO/****** Object: Trigger [dbo].[TriggerName] ******/SET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[TriggerName] ON [dbo].[myTable]AFTER UPDATEASDECLARE @START_COMP_ID varchar(100);DECLARE @START_LOCATION varchar(255);DECLARE @START_RACK varchar(255);DECLARE @END_COMP_ID varchar(100);DECLARE @END_LOCATION varchar(255);DECLARE @END_RACK varchar(255);DECLARE @FUNCTION varchar(255);DECLARE @Buffer varchar(255);DECLARE @KeyField intDECLARE tableCursor CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD FORSELECT KeyField FROM insertedBEGINIF @@ROWCOUNT = 0RETURNSET NOCOUNT ON;SET @Buffer = '';-- Execute only if one line has been changedIf (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM inserted) = 1BEGIN-- ID part for component/technical placeIF NOT (SELECT START_COMP_ID FROM myTable WHERE KeyField=(SELECT KeyField FROM inserted) IS NULL-- Component ID is not according to nomenclatureIF (SELECT START_COMP_IS_NOMEN FROM myTable WHERE KeyField=(SELECT KeyField FROM inserted))= 1SET @START_COMP_ID = '<' + (SELECT START_COMP_ID FROM myTable WHERE KeyField=(SELECT KeyField FROM inserted)) + '>';ELSESET @START_COMP_ID = (SELECT START_COMP_ID FROM myTable WHERE KABEL_ID=(SELECT KABEL_ID FROM inserted));ELSESET @START_COMP_ID = '';IF NOT (SELECT ACCNOMEN_FUNCTION FROM myTable WHERE KeyField=(SELECT KeyField FROM inserted)) IS NULLSET @CONCAT_VALUE = '[' + (SELECT CONCAT_VALUE FROM myTable WHERE KeyField=(SELECT KeyField FROM inserted));ELSESET @ACCNOMEN_FUNCTION = '[-';IF NOT (SELECT NUMBER FROM myTable WHERE KeyField=(SELECT KeyField FROM inserted)) IS NULLSET @CONCAT_VALUE = @CONCAT_VALUE + '.' + (SELECT NUMBER FROM myTable WHERE KeyField=(SELECT KeyField FROM inserted)) + ']';ELSESET @CONCAT_VALUE = @CONCAT_VALUE + ']';-- ID part of location/buildingIF NOT (SELECT START_BLD_ID FROM myTable WHERE KeyField=(SELECT KeyField FROM inserted)) IS NULLSET @START_LOCATION = (SELECT START_BLD_ID FROM myTable WHERE KeyField=(SELECT KeyField FROM inserted));ELSESET @START_LOCATION = '';IF NOT (SELECT START_LEVEL_ID FROM myTable WHERE KeyField=(SELECT KeyField FROM inserted)) IS NULLSET @START_LOCATION = @START_LOCATION + '.' + (SELECT START_LEVEL_ID FROM myTable WHERE KeyField=(SELECT KeyField FROM inserted));IF NOT (SELECT START_RAUM_NR FROM myTable WHERE KeyField=(SELECT KeyField FROM inserted)) IS NULLSET @START_LOCATION = @START_LOCATION + '.' + (SELECT START_ROOM_NO FROM myTable WHERE KeyField=(SELECT KeyField FROM inserted));IF NOT (SELECT START_FLAECHE_ID FROM myTable WHERE KeyField=(SELECT KeyField FROM inserted)) IS NULLSET @START_LOCATION = @START_LOCATION + '.' + (SELECT START_AREA_ID FROM myTable WHERE KeyField=(SELECT KeyField FROM inserted));-- Rack and stuffIF NOT (SELECT START_RACK FROM myTable WHERE KeyField=(SELECT KeyField FROM inserted)) IS NULLSET @START_RACK = '#' + (SELECT START_RACK FROM myTable WHERE KeyField=(SELECT KeyField FROM inserted));ELSESET @START_RACK = '';IF NOT (SELECT START_FRAME_ID FROM myTable WHERE KeyField=(SELECT KeyField FROM inserted)) IS NULLSET @START_RACK = @START_RACK + '.' + (SELECT START_FRAME_ID FROM myTable WHERE KeyField=(SELECT KeyField FROM inserted));IF NOT (SELECT START_SOCKET FROM myTable WHERE KeyField=(SELECT KeyField FROM inserted)) IS NULLSET @START_RACK = @START_RACK + '.b' + (SELECT START_SOCKET FROM myTable WHERE KeyField=(SELECT KeyField FROM inserted));------------------------------------------------------------ END component----------------------------------------------------------[...] similar statements as above, omitted for better reading
-- Final assembly of label tag string and DB update
SET @Buffer = @START_COMP_ID + @CONCAT_VALUE + @START_LOCATION + @START_RACK + '/' + @END_KOMP_ID + @END_LOCATION + @END_RACK;-- Insert statements for procedure hereIF @Buffer <> ''BEGIN UPDATE CABLES_LIST SET CONCAT_VALUE = @Buffer WHERE KeyField=(SELECT KeyField FROM inserted); ENDEND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Multi Row Part ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ELSEBEGINOPEN tableCursorFETCH NEXT FROM tableCursor INTO @KeyFieldWHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGIN-- ID part for component/technical placeIF NOT (SELECT START_COMP_ID FROM myTable WHERE KeyField = @KeyField) IS NULL-- component ID is not according to nomenclatureIF (SELECT START_COMP_IS_NOMEN FROM myTable WHERE KeyField = @KeyField) = 1SET @START_COMP_ID = '<' + (SELECT START_COMP_ID FROM myTable WHERE KeyField = @KeyField) + '>';ELSESET @START_COMP_ID = (SELECT START_COMP_ID FROM myTable WHERE KeyField = @KeyField);ELSESET @START_COMP_ID = '';IF NOT (SELECT FUNCTION FROM myTable WHERE KeyField = @KeyField) IS NULLSET @FUNCTION = '[' + (SELECT FUNCTION FROM myTable WHERE KeyField = @KeyField);ELSE[...] the structure of the omitted code follows the code for the 1 row update. Statements of the type KeyField=(SELECT KeyField FROM inserted) are always replaced by KeyField = @KeyFieldSET @Buffer = @START_COMP_ID + @CONCAT_VALUE + @START_LOCATION + @START_RACK + '/' +@END_COMP_ID + @END_LOCATION + @END_RACK;-- Update table and loop to next row of INSERTED tableIF @Buffer <> ''BeginUPDATE CABLES_LIST SET ID_ACCNOMEN = @Buffer, QR_CODE_TEXT = 'CAB:' + @Buffer WHERE KABEL_ID = @CableID;ENDFETCH NEXT FROM tableCursor INTO @CableIDENDENDEND