For some little visualization project I had the idea of putting markers of each of our institute's partners on a world map. All I had was a list with names of about 1500 research institutes, addresses were not in the list.So my plan was to find a suitable web service which I could query from MS Excel via Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) and programmatically fetch data from this service.
After some web-research I finally stumbled over a video by DontFretBrett, where he explains how to fetch geo-data using VBA in Excel via the google maps API. For me the breakthrough was the usage of the XML-maps feature of Excel, where a web service can be called an can be databound to an Excel worksheet.Furthermore I decided not to use the google maps API, but the openmaps "nominatim" web-service by which is free of charge and which can be used to search for non-well-formed geo-information, such as names of research institutes. I found out that openstreetmap restricts the number of calls per day so I finally switched to the free service of mapquest, which is based on nominatim.
Excel XML-Mapping
To do databinding of XML-data to an Excel worksheet, go to "developer tools" (mind that this tab needs to be activated in Excel-options) and there to the "XML-Source" button (please forgive my German Excel..):
When clicking on this button you'll get a new window to the right of your worksheet:
in the corresponding dialog enter the URL to the query you want to execute and give it some hany name (in my case "searchresults"). When you execute the search query, you will get something like this:
After achieving this, drag & drop the fields from the search results to a new worksheet. In my case this were the fields "lat", "lon" and "display_name" (address). Now you can update data in the XML-map window by executing the web-service and copy it to you driving worksheet with the information you have.
VBA Code
I implemented three routines:1) One driver routine looping over the master worksheet
2) One routine calling the mapquest web service
3) One helper function which does a bit of data cleansing to get rid of special characters
Driver Routine
Sub GetAddressForInstitute()Dim theSearchString As String
Dim selectedRow As Integer
Dim selectedColument As Integer
For Each theCell In Worksheets("Collaborations").Range("A5:A2000")
selectedRow = Selection.Row
selectedColumn = Selection.Column
theSearchString = Replace(theCell.Text, " ", "+") + "+" + Cells(selectedRow, selectedColumn + 1).Text
If (theSearchString <> "") Then
theSearchString = cleanStringFromSpecialCharacters(theSearchString)
If (theSearchString <> "") Then
GetDataUpdateSheet (theSearchString)
End If
Cells(selectedRow, 10).Select
Selection.Value = Worksheets("lat_lon").Cells(2, 1).Value 'Latitude
Cells(selectedRow, 11).Select
Selection.Value = Worksheets("lat_lon").Cells(2, 2).Value 'Longitude
Cells(selectedRow, 12).Select
Selection.Value = Worksheets("lat_lon").Cells(2, 3).Value 'Address
End If
Next theCell
End Sub
Service Caller
Sub GetDataUpdateSheet(searchString As String)Dim theMap As XmlMap
Set theMap = ActiveWorkbook.XmlMaps("searchresults")
On Error Resume Next 'Special characters cause program to dump --> simply go over errors
theMap.DataBinding.LoadSettings ("" + searchString + "&format=xml")
End Sub
Special Character Cleaner
Function cleanStringFromSpecialCharacters(inString As String) As StringDim outString As String
outString = Replace(inString, "ä", "ae")
outString = Replace(outString, "ã", "a")
outString = Replace(outString, "à", "a")
outString = Replace(outString, "á", "a")
outString = Replace(outString, "â", "a")
outString = Replace(outString, "Ä", "Ae")
outString = Replace(outString, "ç", "c")
outString = Replace(outString, "í", "i")
outString = Replace(outString, "ö", "oe")
outString = Replace(outString, "ü", "ue")
outString = Replace(outString, "Ö", "Oe")
outString = Replace(outString, "Ü", "ue")
outString = Replace(outString, "ß", "ss")
outString = Replace(outString, "ó", "o")
outString = Replace(outString, "é", "e")
outString = Replace(outString, "è", "e")
outString = Replace(outString, "É", "E")
outString = Replace(outString, " ", "+")
outString = Replace(outString, ",", "")
outString = Replace(outString, "+-", "")
cleanStringFromSpecialCharacters = outString
End Function
I hope, dear reader, this article was helpful for your own project. All the best