As I am interested in Lean production, lean thinking and lean and agile software development and their application I collect links to pages about these topics and which are interesting for me on this page.Lean in General
- DIY Lean: "Lean Tools for Continuous Improvement"; website
- Lean Enterprise Institute; website: the Lean Enterprise Institute was founded in 1997 by Jim Womack and fosters the Lean idea by education, publication and research.
- Toni Earli: "LeanMan"; blog with many posts about lean in general and around the topic
- Karn G. Bulusk: "The Toyota Production System"; Blog
Lean Basics
Lean Production
Lean in Building Industry
- Publication list of Karlsruher Institut für Technologie - Institut für Management und Techologie im Bauwesen: Veröffentlichungen zu "Lean Management im Bauwesen" (In German).
- Ailke Heidemann: "Kooperative Projektabwicklung im Bauwesen unter der Berücksichtigung von Lean-Prinzipien"; KIT Scientific Publishing; No. 68 (2009)
- Manfred Muster: "The Toyota Way"; presentation in German (2006)
Lean Product Development
Jeffrey Liker, James M. Morgan: The Toyota Way in Services: The Case of Lean Product Development
; article on lean in product development.
Lean in Business Administration
- Jeff Hajek: "The 11 Principles of a Lean Office"; Blog
- LeanMan: "The Lean Office - 5S Office"; blog with a couple of useful resources
- ValuestreamGuru: "Lean Administration: the Benefits of Lean in the Office"; series of articles / blogposts
- Wikipedia: "Lean Services"
- Wassermann AG: "Lean Administration", Whitepaper (in German)
- Fabian Hoppe: "Lean Administration - Vermeidung von Verschwendung und Steigerung der Effizienz", presentation (in German), 2012
- Michael Petri: "Prozessberatung zum Thema Lean Administration"; bachelor thesis (2010)
- Montana State University: "Introduction to Lean Office"; presentation (2009)
Illustrating Lean Principles
Just in Time (JIT)
Porsche JIT Game
In Womack & Jones' "Lean Thinking" is a reference to the "Porsche JIT game" aka as "Beer game" which can be used to illustrate how flow, pull and takt work together to minimize waste and the throughput time of a system. An description of this game can be found in the blog-post "The Beer Game as explained in Lean Thinking; How to promote flow"
Overview Pages
A lrage collection of Lean games can be found here.
Continuous Improvement (Kaizen)
General Process Improvement
- a quite comprehensive site about process improvement and A3-Thinking (in German)
A3-Reports and Their Application
- Tracay Richardson: "How to Implement "Lean Tinking" in a Business", blog (2013)
- John Shook: "Toyota's Secret: The A3 Report"; MITSloan Management Review; Vol.50 No.4 (2009)
Process Analysis Tools
- Karn G. Bulusk: Using a Fishbone (or Ishikawa) Diagram to Perform 5-why Analysis; Blog
Relation to other Management Branches
- Malik Management: "Systematische Müllabfuhr", article discussing the reduction of waste